Rev 301; Eph 424 11/23/86




A.  Definition.

            1. Demon influence is demonization of the soul and personality of the believer or unbeliever living in the cosmic system. There are degrees of demon influence. It depends on how long you reside in the cosmic system without the use of rebound. Demon influence is thought transference of demon doctrine to the believer or unbeliever in the cosmic system.

            2. Demon influence is the invasion of the soul, especially the mind, emotion, and self-consciousness of the soul. The result is the invasion of the human personality of the believer or unbeliever who lives in the cosmic system.

            3. Demon influence is the infiltration of Satanic thought. It isn’t expressed in terms of evil, but in terms of improving this world, doing nice things for your fellow man, and supporting crusades.

            4. Demon influence is the invasion of the soul with thought that is false thinking, i.e., the policy and principles by which Satan operated prior to the creation of man and afterwards as the ruler of this world.

            5. The unbeliever is protected from both demon influence and demon possession by the laws of divine establishment. The believer is protected from demon influence by Bible doctrine only! Only the truth can keep false thinking and false doctrine out of the soul. If the believer only understands the laws of divine establishment, that gives him some protection. But the greatest victims of demon influence are believers, a result of the genius plan of Satan to distract them from the protocol plan of God.


B.  The Cosmic System, Satan’s Classroom for Demon Influence.

            1. Cosmic one emphasizes preoccupation with self, having twelve gates or categories of arrogance.

            2. Cosmic two emphasizes antagonism toward the truth, with nine gates.

            3. When the believer gets outside of the operational-type divine dynasphere, he inevitably enters gate #1 of cosmic one and gate #1 of cosmic two.

                        a. Gate #1 of cosmic one is the whole system of prehistoric sins, which are connected to arrogance.

                        b. If the sins of arrogance are allowed to continue, it is inevitable that the believer in cosmic one will become an abnormal person. And once this abnormality sets in, there is a system of locked-in arrogance that totally rejects truth or distorts truth by hallucination.

                        c. Gate #1 of cosmic two is comprised of all the historical sins.

            4. So the believer out of fellowship can commit either prehistoric or historic categories of sins. Many of the prehistoric categories of sins are related to human sacrifice and the various functions of demonism. Demon influenced believers show tremendous predilection toward violence, especially in a psychotic state.

            5. Gate #2 of cosmic one is rejection of doctrine because you’re preoccupied with yourself, which is an indirect rejection of doctrine. People who are preoccupied with self, seeking pleasure and approbation for self, have no time for doctrine; rather, they substitute self-indulgence for learning doctrine. Gate #2 of cosmic two is also negative volition toward doctrine, but true rejection is due to antagonism toward doctrine.

            6. One enters the cosmic system through an active or a passive decision from the free will. Once inside the cosmic system, negative volition towards true doctrine creates a vacuum through which demon doctrine enters, Eph 4:7.

            7. Reversionism is, in effect, the degrees of demon influence of the believer in the cosmic system. In 1 Cor 2:5, the “wisdom of man” illustrates demon influence in the cosmic system through Greek culture and religion.

            8. The quickest way to get into the cosmic system is to sin, 1 Jn 3:4-10. “When anyone commits a sin, he has become the agent of the devil.” Just as the devil invented the cosmic system, so he also invented sin. But Christ destroyed the basis for Satan’s entire system when He judged sin at the cross.

            9. Through psychological living instead of spiritual living, the believer all too often continues the lifestyle of spiritual death by living in Satan’s cosmic system. In cosmic one, he grieves the Holy Spirit; in cosmic two, he quenches the Holy Spirit.

     10. All spiritual living occurs inside the divine dynasphere under the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit. Living in the divine dynasphere is called the filling of the Spirit. Functioning in the divine dynasphere is called walking by means of the Spirit.

     11. Therefore, we have a warning to Church Age believers not to superimpose the life of spiritual death on the Christian way of life in 1 Jn 2:15-16. “Stop loving the cosmic system or anything in the cosmic system. If anyone keeps loving the cosmic system [cosmic one and two], the love of the Father is not in Him. Because all that is in the cosmic system, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the arrogant pattern of life, is not from the Father but is from the cosmic system.”

                        a. Loving the cosmic system means demon influence of your motivation, of your thought pattern, of your decision making, and of your action.

                        b. The love of the Father refers to virtue-love, one of the highest problem solving device in the Christian life.

                        c. The lust of the flesh is the old sin nature seeking to control the soul. The lust of the eyes is motivational evil in gate #1 of cosmic one. The arrogant pattern of life is the functional evil of the other eleven gates in cosmic one.

     12. As the leader of all fallen angels and as the ruler of planet earth, Satan has been able to compile a cosmic system which is a mass of thoughts, opinions, speculations, systems of false doctrines, panaceas, plans, systems of all categories for deceit, policies, and objectives by which Satan seeks to control the world which he rules.

     13. Although Satan is the ruler of this world, he does not necessarily control the people of this world; that depends upon individual volition. Satan seeks to control both mankind and the millions of fallen angels still loose, called demons.

     14. In cosmic one, Satan has provided a communion table to complement real spiritual death. 1 Cor 10:21, “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and at the same time the cup of demons.” In other words, the believer who is out of fellowship, out of the divine dynasphere, is under demon influence, drinking from the “cup of the demons.” “You cannot partake of the table of the Lord [Eucharist] and the table of demons.” The table of demons is psychological living in Satan’s cosmic system.

     15. In cosmic two, Satan’s false doctrine results in the human viewpoint of life, which resents Bible doctrine and any truth. 1 Tim 4:1-2, “But the Spirit [God the Holy Spirit] explicitly communicates that in latter periods of time [Incarnation, Church Age, Tribulation], some believers will fall away from doctrine, giving attention to deceitful spirits, even doctrines from demons [demon influence in cosmic system]. By means of hypocrisy of liars, they are seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron.”

                        a. This passage teaches thought telepathy from demons. “Doctrine” here means a system of teaching which is transferred to anyone who resides in the cosmic system.

                        b. Believers believe liars because of their facade of sweet and pleasing words, and the warmth of their personality. In psychological living, you are so preoccupied with yourself that you assume that any speaker who pleases you, stimulates you, and warms you must be telling you the truth.

                        c. A burned-out or seared conscience is a result of demon influence. Demon influence destroys the norms and standards of truth. When a believer or unbeliever remains in the cosmic system long enough, all his norms and standards related to truth are gone, seared, and burnt.

     16. Eph 2:2 says, “in which sphere [real spiritual death] you formerly walked according to the lifestyle of the cosmic system [world].” In the sphere of real spiritual death from birth, all unbelievers reside in Satan’s cosmic system and are influenced by it to some degree, depending upon their adherence to the laws of divine establishment. The degree of influence from Satan’s cosmic system can only be negated for the unbeliever by knowing and adhering to the laws of divine establishment. But this only frees the unbeliever from some of Satan’s policies; it does not give him salvation.

     17. Living in Satan’s cosmic system as an unbeliever includes three categories of modus vivendi.

                        a. Demon possession.

                        b. Demon influence.

                        c. A combination of these two, or psychological living.

     18. Living in Satan’s cosmic system as a believer includes two potential categories of modus vivendi.

                        a. Demon influence.

                        b. Psychological living.

     19. The believer cannot be demon possessed because his body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who indwells him. No demon can be in the presence of the Holy Spirit.


C.  Distinction Between Demon Influence and Demon Possession.

            1. In demon possession, the body of the unbeliever is indwelt by a demon or a group of demons, resulting in normal or abnormal living.

            2. The laws of divine establishment protect the unbeliever from demon possession. That’s why demon possession is prevalent in countries where there is no establishment, such as in Africa, India, South America, and among the Indian tribes of North America.  


D.  Mandates Against Demon Influence.

            1. Eph 4:27; James 4:6-8. (In every passage where Prov 3:34 is quoted from the LXX, there is always a reference to demon influence.)

            2. Volition is our first line of defense in two categories.

                        a. Either by rejecting the temptation signals from the old sin nature coming into the soul, or;

                        b. Once in the cosmic system, to name one’s sins via rebound, and escape the cosmic system. Otherwise, the believer will become demonized and become “an enemy of the cross,” Phil 3:18.

            3. James 4:8 gives the command to have doctrine in the right lobe as the offensive action against demon influence. “Purify your right lobe.” Being “double-minded” means to have some true doctrine while in the divine dynasphere plus having some doctrine of demons also stored in the right lobe; therefore, there is conflict. Purifying the right lobe is only possible through consistent, daily perception of Bible doctrine.


E.  Demon influence is relative.

            1. The degrees of demon influence correspond to the degrees of reversionism. The longer one resides in the cosmic system without rebound, the greater the degree of demon influence. Past a certain point, you cannot distinguish between the believer and unbeliever in the cosmic system. The cosmic system does not distinguish between its students, and is equally effective with both categories, believer and unbeliever.

            2. Therefore, demon influence is a process of demonization in which every facet of the soul is eventually controlled by demon doctrine, so that there is a complete personality change to some form of sociopathic or psychopathic personality.

   F.  The False Doctrine of Demon Influence.

            1. 1 Pet 5:4-9.

                        a. Achievement belongs to God; happiness belongs to the believer. But demon influence reverses this principle and says “achievement belongs to me; therefore, I will be unhappy as long as I live.”

                        b. “Being self-disciplined” (verse 8) means being organized. Your organization starts in your thinking first; that requires categorical teaching of doctrine. Self-discipline is important to remain in the divine dynasphere. There is a parallel between our Lord delegating authority in the human race, and Satan “prowling around” and delegating authority to disembodied spirit demons.

            2. James 3:14-16.

                        a. “Jealousy” qualifies for both cosmic one and cosmic two.

                        b. Achievement arrogance is the blasphemy of taking achievement away from God and placing it in your own hands. Therefore, achievement arrogance destroys human happiness and replaces it with boasting and gloating ambition.

            3. Arrogance motivates to strive for success and to compete from inordinate ambition. In the process, Bible doctrine is neglected, virtue is ignored, happiness is rejected, and demon influence becomes the order of the day.

            4. Since achievement belongs to God, God provides achievement with happiness, but only inside the divine dynasphere.

            5. Arrogance is the direct route to demon influence; it is the demoralization as well as the demonization of the soul.


G.  The Avoidance of Demon Influence.

            1. Demon influence can only be avoided through life in the divine dynasphere for the believer. Resistance is a matter of learning doctrine.

            2. Therefore, there are four R’s in GAP.

                        a. Reception.

                        b. Retention.

                        c. Recall.

                        d. Resistance.

            3. What really counts is retention, which is gnosis doctrine converted into epignosis doctrine. Then at recall, you can apply a percentage of what you retained. But to resist demonization, you must have the first three steps.

            4. Ignorance cannot make application to experience; it can only emote in the face of testing or disaster. So standing firm in doctrine is the issue in resisting the devil, 1 Pet 5:9.


 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
